Sunday, March 8, 2009

Korsvoll Skole - Ullevålseter - Frognerseteren and back

The snow has come back! Where I live it's heavy, wet stuff but it's great higher up. Went today for my favorite little workout trip. I was the first one in Oslo today going uphill to Frognerseteren, so I had to cut new tracks. It snowed heavily the whole way up and back.
Those who'd taken the subway up there were starting to pass me coming the other way as I neared my destination. They were going for the almost all downhill trip back into Oslo by the Sognsvann lake. I came back the way I'd come up, by a bit steeper but less known route.
Wax has become super important now. Where in times past, you just put some blue extra on or green if it was really cold, these days the wrong wax will stop you dead in your tracks. You'll either get no grip making it impossible to go uphill or accumulate snow under your skis which will stop you just as well.
Today's trip took me through different climate zones and required different wax for each one. I started in birch, pine and poplar forest and ended up in pure pines. At the bottom I was slipping pretty bad but refused to put sticky red wax on because I knew that it would stop me in my tracks with under ski snow accumulation higher up. Was I ever glad to have supported a bit of slippage lower down when I got a couple hundred meters higher in elevation! I had to fight to keep my skis clear but never had to stop to scrape.

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